Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Start Your Spring Baking With This Chic Apron!

Contest Is Now Closed! Winner To Be Announced This Afternoon!

Good Tuesday everyone! I am happy to say the snow didn't last long at all. We are back to some nice spring weather. Here is a great way to celebrate spring, with a beautiful apron from SassyApron. Lana makes some gorgeous aprons, makes me want to head straight to the kitchen and start baking! The chocolate with pink polka dot apron is calling my name, so chic! be sure to check her store out, there are many more aprons on there you will love.

The prize is the above apron to 1 of my readers.

To enter, tell me what you enjoy doing most with your family. Maybe you like going to the movies together, spending an afternoon at the park, having a game night together, or going places.
I enjoy lots of things, but I love playing outdoor games. Especially when we have friends over and there are so many kids it makes for amazing games.

Get extra chances by....Following my blog (under Who's In The Kitchen) Leave me an extra comment if you do.

Deadline is Wednesday at 10 o'clock PM CST.

Have fun guys and I'll be back with the winner and a tasty food post next!



auntlynda said...

I just love going with my family to the Lincoln Children's Zoo and watching my grandson discover the animals.

Meghan said...

I love having game nights with my cousins and aunts. We play Catch Phrase, Rummikub, and Yahtzee :)

Unknown said...

I like having family get-togethers! Lots of food and games!

Debbie said...

I love taking the family to the beach!

Debbie said...

oh and i follow you! :-)

Allie said...

the aprons are too cute! We love cooking together and game night with our friends.

Allie said...

I also follow :)

Tori said...

Those are adorable aprons! Love them...

Something our family loves to do is go to hockey games! It's a complete family affair! We have made many memories! =)

Tori said...

I follow!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

I like when we cook together.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

I also like when we go up in the mountains for picnics which I'm ho[ing we can start doing soon.

Rebekah said...

we like playing outside or swimming.

Rebekah said...

i'm a follower

Jessie said...

My favorite thing to do with my family is roast marshmellows on our outside fireplace. And make smores. And laugh and joke. It's really the best.

Susie said...

Our very favorite thing to do is to sit for long periods of time at the kitchen table during and after a meal to visit, joke, and tell stories.

Abigail said...

I like going on vacation with my fam. It's grand fun!

Anonymous said...

I love going out to eat with my family and then coming home and watching movies together! Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog on Google Reader. I'm not exactly sure what Who's In the Kitchen is. :)

Romney Family said...

I love to go camping with My family. Their is nothing better than being in the great outdoors enjoying some of the best gifts Heavenly Father has blessed us with~family and nature!!Jessie~from food brings families together

ang :o) said...

We love getting take-out, piling on mom and dad's bed, eating dinner and watching a movie and eventually all falling asleep!

ang :o) said...

I am a follower!

pxilated said...

Game Night with Guesstures! An apron with pockets would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm A Follower!!

Anonymous said...

I Love when we go on vacations together, and also especially horse rides and boat trips, 4-wheel trips and snow mobiling!

Heidi said...

I love being in the kitchen with my kids. Another great time of the day is while we are all at the table eating dinner. During the summertime we really enjoy spending our evenings outdoors riding bikes or taking walks.

Heidi said...

I am also now a follower

Andrea said...

I love playing any kind of games (outside or inside card/board games)!!

arielle said...

I am a total apron lover. these are soo cute! My favorite thing to do with my family is just when we are all home together! I've spend so much time traveling, and now with some of us grown and gone I miss being together a ton! So even the simplest things around the house and hanging out, everyday life, its what I love the most. <3

Maddy said...

My whole entire family gets together for Thanksgiving and Easter and we have the most fun being at the beach. Everyone plays games, goes in the water, drinks (haha) and its a lot of fun =)

Maddy said...

ps- i follow you!

Dor said...

We're definitely a movie family. Whether it's in the theaters, or we're watching at home on the couch.

Leslie M. said...

I love going to the Trails with my family, We got walking! We also have a town center Park and we got there! I just love spending time with Hubby and the girls, it really doesn't matter what we do as long as we are together!!!

I just cannot sit still and watch a Movie.. I get ants in my pants, but the rest of them LOVE that!! hahah

Megan said...

My favorite thing to do with my family is sit out on the porch in the morning with our coffee or tea, talking and day dreaming!

Cute aprons!


Gianina said...

I follow your blog!!!

My favorite thing to do is to eat outside. Whether it is a BBQ or a picnic, nothing beat getting to sit in the sun munching on some food with my honey. :-D

I've really wanted one of these aprons for FOREVER! :-D

Liv said...

I'd have to say that we enjoy talking the most.

Alison said...

As a family we love movie night... either in home or at the theater!

Alison said...

i follow your blog!

Julia said...

Oh...there is too much stuff I love to do!!!I really enjoy having my friends over and swimming and doing everything there is to be FUN!!!!

Jennifer said...

We did some of my favs this weekend: playing in the yard, planting and eating breakfast after church.

Joan said...

I love it when we are all outside and working in the yard and I love it when I look over in church and we are all sitting there together. Warms my heart!

Joan said...

oh, and I am also following your blog!

Becka said...

We enjoy getting together with all our extended family at the lake in the summer, and playing music.

Becka said...

I follow your blog!

agordon10 said...

We love taking hikes together.

Anonymous said...

I love it when my son invites me over. He has a pool and we gather and have a cookout.I do lots of baking and I love that apron. Very pretty.

Jenna said...

I LOVE to take walks with my family! It's exercise and spending time together all wrapped into one :)

Jenna said...

I'm a follower :)

Katrina said...

I love making goodies with my boys!

Sue said...

I love outings with my boys - bike rides, playing frisbee or football in the park, skiing with them.
Thanks for the darling giveaway~

Unknown said...

thanks for the opp! Love playing games, doing things outdoors !

Tiff said...

I desperately need an apron and looking cute to boot, not bad! I love watching a good movie with my family. Snuggling up on the couch and enjoying a good flick, it's the simple things that make us happy!

Tiff said...

I follow your blog!

lezanac said...

We love to go to the park and take our puppy


playing with kids- board games n stuff

BrittWilk said...

we like to rock climb together - it's how we met! :)

Laura said...

we love to go out to dinner and rent movies as a family

Laura said...

i follow!

Angie said...

We love to go bike riding together.

tuliej said...

I love doing anything with my grandchildren, they make everything more fun, from going to the beach to gong to the park, movies, baking, playing games, going for walks....

Anonymous said...

We love to watch DVDs or our favorite TV shows together :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm following you on Blogger :)

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I love sitting down and watching a movie together.

Anonymous said...

zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

I really enjoy having a family movie night with a great, big pizza!

wendy wallach said...

I love having dinner with my family.

madamerkf at aol dot com

Amy said...

I love game night with the family!

Marissa said...

Family get-togethers, usually barbecues. With lots of food, of course!

Marissa said...

I'm also a follower.

Sheila Hickmon said...

Anything outdoors! I love taking my little ones to the water park in the summer! During the winter we do alot of painting! Thanks for the cute giveaway! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Im following you! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Dumaurier said...

We really enjoy going to our local zoo/museum it has a wonderful walking trail and there are so many things to learn about.

Suzie Williams said...

We like going to the mall and walking around and letting the kids play in the play town area.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing to do is hang out at the beach and build sandcastles.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love large family dinners with the entire family. Our family isn't huge but we're enough to fill up every seat in the house when we're all together. Everyone seems to get along and it just makes me feel good having everyone with me.

Elyse said...

What precious aprons! My boyfriend and I love to go for long walks. We live in Berkeley and there's lots of nearby trails and good places for walking/hiking. It's a great thing for us to do together!

Princess Golden Hair said...

we love to have family dinners together and then go on a walk together after. it opens the lines of communication.

teechbiz at gmail dot com

Aisling said...

All the "girls" in our family love taking a day trip to the Botanical Garden. They have so many beautiful plants and flowers plus special exhibits. It's a long day of walking and admiring and lots of talking about things that are important to us.

idahomom said...

We love soccer.

Noggy said...

Its a toss up between spending the day at the Zoo visiting all the animals...especially the kids petting zoo or peeking in at the baby animals. Or going fishing for trout in some isolated stream in the high country. Or saltwater fishing for bonita. All wonderful memories of a time spent together. But the fact is the keyword is "together" and that is what makes it my favorite.

Noggy said...

I'm a follower.

taiyyaba said...

i love making breakfast with my dad on saturday mornings!

taiyyaba said...

i follow you on google reader!

Toby said...

I enjoy going for walks with the family. It is a nice time to unwind.

Myla said...

My favorite thing to do with family is having family get together’s. Great food, good conversation, and of course laughter.

Anonymous said...

We bought a hot tub within the last year and our favorite activity is to spend time in it looking and pointing out the stars and moon with our children.

randi said...

What a great apron and shop!

We like to just be together. We like to geocache. It is kind of like a treasure hunt combined with hiking!

Suburban prep said...

My brothers and sisters live all over the world. But I have to say that when we do get together what we enjoy doing is making batches of cookies (chocolate chip) if it is the Fall or Winter months or during the Spring Summer we have been known to go outdoors and take walks. Or we just have an outdoor picnic.

auntlynda said...

I forgot to mention yesterday that I follow your blog in the kitchen. I'll take all the extra chances I can get! ;-)

Emily said...

I love getting together at my grandparent's house with all the family and grilling out and fishing at their pond! So much fun!

CRibbits said...

My family and I plan alot of games together, my favorite is scabble and my parents (the grandparents) will try to help my young nephew beat me. He is getting close!

MRMD_GRL said...

My favorite thing to do with my family - anything. We watch moves, we walk, we garden, we cook, we play -- anything as long as we are together.

MRMD_GRL said...

PS - I stalk you... I mean follow you, :)

Made the strawberry muffins from yesterday- they were fab!!!

Kristen B said...

We love boating and doing water sports together. I can't wait until it warms up more!


5webs said...

We enjoy running errands together. I don't drive, so we do the bulk of the errand running on the weekends when my husband is home from work, and can drive us around. There are five of us, and we all go grocery shopping together, to the post office , and the bank, and then we take our garbage to the dump. We all look forward to it, and have a great time. Then we go to the park.
Alicia Webster

justicecw said...

We love playing board games together! thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com

malleycc said...

Living in FL about 10 miles away from the beach. We love to go to the beach and walk the beach.

MissGreenTea said...

I love when my family gets together and plays cards...pinochle being a favorite. We also like to sit around and reminisce about times of the past. I miss my family! I live so far away them...

Ludmilochka said...

The aprons are too cute! We love cooking together and game with our friends.

Diane said...

I have 7 year old triplet boys and another son who is 5 and a half. We enjoy family dinners and playing games afterwards.

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

We love to pack up a picnic and head to the beach for family fun. Or just BBQ and picnic in the backyard.

Anonymous said...

We love to pile up in the king size bed with popcorn and dogs, and watch a good movie!

vboackle said...

we like to pop corn and watch movies.

Anonymous said...

I love going to restaurants for dinner with my family. garrettsambo@aol.com

Unknown said...

I love it on Fridays! Not only because it is Friday, but all of my neighbors come over and we have pizza, beer and juice for the kids.
We hang out and BS until everyone starts getting tired. We wrap up all the kids and walk home. Lots of fun and memories. There are usually around 9 kids and 10 adults that join! Can't wait for Fridays every week!

liliesrnice said...

I have a newborn so my favorite thing to do is lay her on my chest and let her fall asleep then put her in her crib. It's so peaceful.

randio said...

I love have family gathering at my house! Lots of food, lots of talk, lots of laughs!!

Joanna said...

I love having everyone over and each preparing a portion of the meal.

jojo17 at gmail dot com

cman said...

Taking road trops and traveling together :)

Misty said...

If I'm talking about immediate family (Me, Hubby and puppy Sadie), then I'd have to say visiting the dog park with our friends

Meghan said...

We Love goign hiking behind our house together!

janetfaye said...

I love having family dinners and watching movies together.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

mverno said...

we love horse racing all of us mverno@roadrunner.com

Stefanie Hartman said...

Hi, I enjoy playing/walking outside on our 5 acres with my family. And I love when we all cuddle under blankets and chat/laugh together. Thanks and blessings, Stefanie Hartman fhartman@frontiernet.net would love to win

kdkdkd said...

I love creating art together as a family. Letting my boys get messy and creative and joining them as we laugh and paint/sculpt/stamp/glue/etc...,
it is the best!


I love going camping the very most. We fish, swim & hike. We have BBQ's & crawfish boils!


Stephanie said...

I love going camping with my family...we go multiple times a year! We all love being outdoors!

Stephanie said...

Ok, I am also following you! Love your blog!

Meet the Browns said...

My husband plays guitar and I play piano, so we love making music together!

Katie Brown

barbara said...

I just like getting together with all of them and listening to their stories. their are 6 children 3 who are married one engaged and 5 grandchildren, so when we are together it is always lively.


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

One of my favorite things is to go to the zoo. I love to pack a lunch and spend hours there with them.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

The Merry Death said...


Cassie M said...

I most enjoy hiking on the many trails and mountains of Maine with my family! I also love taking them to the beach, biking, and family board game night!

Heather said...

We love hiking in the wonderful parks of Western Washington.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy going to the local campground with my family. We enjoy camping, the live music, playing at the park, and fishing.
-Terra H.

Maria said...

LOVE the new look of your blog! LOVE IT! I like baking with my family! Best times are in the kitchen!

Kathy P said...

we love going to the lake on a hot summer day :)

Kathy P said...

following your blog as klp1965 kathy pease

Helen said...

We love to play board games, sometimes play with the Wii and love to rent movies and pop popcorn.

elle said...

I love doing anything outside! I love picnics or hiking with my fam.

elle said...

and I follow your blog!!!! Love it!

Darin said...

I love going for bike rides. My 20 month old chants "bikeride" until we go. We ride along the Columbia river and look for popcorn trees!

Qwerty said...

Well, THIS WEEK what I love the best is riding bikes!
I finally got the bike of my dreams: a PINK coaster bike!

riceburns (at) hotmail (dot) com

Charlene Kuser said...

We love going bowling,we play against other families,like teams
and it is fun.We also like to play
board games,scrabble,monopoly,
concentration.Thanks for this nice giveaway


Charlene Kuser said...

I am following your blog


kIaNa said...

Umm. I like just talking as a family. I mean, it's so pleasent when we're all just sitting together talking.

kIaNa said...

I follow too:-)

Fairy Tales Doula and Education Services said...

I enjoy the simplest thing: Family dinner time.
When everyone has been going a dozen different ways all day long, and frazzled from school and work, it is so good to just sit and enjoy or three favorite things: Food, conversation and each other.
It's not the best answer, I'm sure, it's nothing special in the big picture I suppose, but in such a hectic world we live in, it's nice to have that moment to just relax and be happy.

Donna said...

We like to go to the movies.

Donna said...

I am a follower.

Miranda Ward said...

Playing ball outside

Sonya said...

We love playing games. Board games, card games, video games, and outdoor games!

Jinxy and Me said...

Playing outside and going to the park or other outdoor activities are always fun.

lilyk said...

I enjoy eating out with my family.

/\Heather/\ said...

We love exploring new places together. We get to give history and facts to the kinder, and she let's us view things through small eyes.

/\Heather/\ said...

I follow your blog.

Unknown said...

I enjoy movie night at home with loads of popcorn.

partyof5 said...

I really enjoy seeing my kids smile,another favorite is our sunday brunch after church.

The Green Yak on Etsy said...

Playing WiiSports! My brother, father, and I are great at baseball, my mom's strength is tennis, and even my grandparents get into the fun (they are the two champions at Wii bowling).

greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com

Seymour said...

Good informative blog. I love aprons while cooking. Good colors of aprons. Good one. http://www.seymourdabull.com/BBQ-and-Cooking_c25.html