I was recently sent a box full of cake mixes from Nora at Naturally Nora for me to try. And let me tell you, they are delicious! But the amazing thing is they are full of all natural ingredients. There are NO artificial colors, flavors or preservatives and there are NO hydrogenated oils or trans fats. While I normally think of healthy and all natural foods as dull, these are not. They are very flavorful.
Here is the fun part. Nora has allowed me to give one of my readers one years worth of free cake mixes and frosting mixes. Which would be 12 free cake mixes and 12 free frosting mixes. One of you guys can get to sample what I am talking about!
To enter, Visit Naturally Nora and then leave me a comment on this post telling me which out of the cake mixes you like best. Surprising Stars is one of my favorites. Contest ends Sunday the 26th at 12 PM CST MIDNIGHT.
1 – 200 of 265 Newer› Newest»I've been trying to get my hand on some of Nora's mixes for what seems like FOREVER!
I'm all about Alot'a Dots, myself!
Just found your blog this week and this is my first comment here. Love the recipes and pictures.
I think I'd pick the Sunny Yellow cake mix with the Cheerful Chocolate frosting, both because they are so versatile when making other desserts.
How cool! They all look wonderful, but I would pick yellow! :)
You can't go wrong with Cheerful Chocolate! Thanks for another giveaway! They're fun!
Have a great weekend!
I love that someone is making a natural cake mix! My favorite is Alot'a Dots.
Mmmm...yummy! I would have to go with the Cheerful Chocolate on Cheerful Chocolate.
With a tall glass of milk on the side. :)
Cookie Cookie looks delicious!
I think I would go with alot'a dots. That one sounds like the sprinkles cake from pillsberry, which is my favorite!
A'lota dots looks like a yummier funfetti. MMM..
alot'a dots looks awesome...but really, they all do :)
I don't know what it means but I know I like cookies so I'd try cookie cookie. Thanks for the info about a natural/packaged food!
I love that these are all natural. I'd be interested in trying one. Where do they stock these?
Cookies and Cream for me all the way. Thanks!
Just wanted to say, These are really great! IMO, better than those name brand boxed cakes! (I'll be posting my review soon)
I've already won my years worth so you can skip me so someone else can have a chance at these. =)
I the the Alot'a Dots looks delicious, but I love the cuteness of teh Surprising Stars, too!
I'm a chocolate girl all the way, Cheerful Chocolate with Cheerful Chocolate Frosting!!
I would have to say the Cheerful Chocolate sounds good.
I usually don't use cake mixes so I love the idea of an all natural cake mix. Very fun flavors, too!
I think I'd like to try Cookie Cookie with Cheerful Chocolate frosting. Yum! I hope I win! Thanks Priscilla!
Probably the cheerful chocolate-I love chocolate ;)
Umm they all look good, but if i have to go with one it would be the surprisinly star as well.
I love chocolate!!
But the other flavors look really good too...
Cheerful Chocolate.
john ferris
OMGosh I have been dying to Try Naturally Nora Cake mix AND frosting! I am so all about the Cheerful Chocolate Cake mix and the Cheerful Chocolate Frosting!!! Life without chocolate is SAD!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
I would like to try out the Cookie Cookie cake!
The Cheerful Chocolate on Cheerful Chocolate
The cookie cookie cake mix looks good!
Ooohh the lotta dots one looks yummy and like my kiddos would LOVE it! I've got my fingers and toes crossed for this FUN giveaway!!!!
Cheerful Chocolate on Cheerful Chocolate..yum!
Cheerful Chocolate Cake Mix/Cheerful Chocolate Icing sounds wonderful!
Can't miss with Cheerful Chocolate!
Sunny Yellow cake -= Yummm:)
Sunny Yellow + Chocolate frosting = my fave combo!
The Cookie Cookie sounds good! I wouldn't mind trying them all though! Ha!
I love all cake, but I'd try Cheerful Chocolate first!
SUNNY YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to try Alot of Dots. My granddaughter loves polka-dots.
They all look really yummy! But I will have to agree with you and say the surprising stars. It looks so fun!
I would love to try Cookie Cookie please, it looks soooooooo delicious .
I would love to try the cookie cookie...!!!! They look so good :)
Cheerful Chocolate sounds good.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
What a great prize! They all look really good, but I think I would like to try the A'Lot of Dots!
All of them look amazing, but my favorite would have to be the Cheerful Chocolate. :)
I have heard such great things about these mixes and frostings, I would love to Sunny Yellow and Chocolate frosting. They are my families absolute favorite flavors.
i am all about a'lot of dots~
I would like Cheerful Chocolate.
I've never heard of Naturally Nora. I'll probably only find it once we move back to the US, but thanks for being so kind to everyone!
I love chocolate, so I'd pick cheerful chocolate. YUM!!
I would love to try the Alot'a Dots cake mix! I remember eating that kind of cake when I was younger!!
What a fabulous giveaway!! All of the cake mixes look fabulous. I especially like the AlotaDots and Cookie Cookie mixes. Yay for all natural cake mixes!!
They all look good, but I'd have to go with Cheerful Chocolate
I would like to try the cheerful chocolate. I never heard of all natural cake mixes before until today.
cheerful chocolate looks yummy
Cheerful Chocolate sounds DELICIOUS! But to be honest, they all sound amazing! I have been taking cake decorating classes, so this would really be helpful when I have to decorate at home. Thanks!
Gotta be Cheerful Chocolate.
I like the Alot'a Dots.
charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com
All the mixes look yummy, but the Alot'a Dots is right down my alley!
Cheerful Chocolate :o)
I'd have to pick the Alot'a Dots. It reminds of cakes we had as kids. My favorite cake mix that my mom would make had sprinkles of color through it. Mmmmm...
I love chocolate. So, the 'Cheerful Chocolate' would be good stuff!
yummy chocolate
Cheerful Chocolate cake and Cheerful Chocolate frosting. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
The Cookie Cookie one looks delicious! I hope I win!!!
I would love to try Cookie Cookie. YUM
These cake mixes look wonderful! I would love to try the cookie cookie flavor.
I would like to try the Alot'a Dots! Yum
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
All these yummy looking looking Naturally Nora Cake Mix boxes are making me hungry for a good cake!
I'd love to try the Sunny Yellow cake mix with Cheerful Chocolate, sounds perfect :)
I gotta go with the alot'a dots cake and frosting mix. so cute! perfect for my cousins first birthday party!
Sunny Yellow sounds like a flavor I would love.
Cheerful Chocolate sounds great! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com
Yummm...would go for cheerful chocolate, and the more the better!
Another vote for the alot'a dots cake and frosting mix - yum! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Cheerful chocolate all the way!
Sunny Yellow sounds good to me!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Gosh, this is my first introduction to Nora. The products look wonderful and I think I would start with the yellow cake (my daughter's favorite) with chocolate frosting and the chocolate cake (my favorite) with the extrodinary vanilla frosting!
I'd like to try the Cookie Cookie flavor. I'm impressed with the ingredients, especially the unbleached wheat flour.
I'm not picky they all look great
Sniff, sniff....I smell cake!
lol,I love that line and I'd love to try the Cheerful Chocolate cake and chocolate frosting :)
Alot'a Dots is my favourite!
I hope Canadians can enter; I'm now in the mood for some cake!!
(in Canada)
I saw these before and I think the Alot'a Dots are AWESOME!
cheerful chocolate
The Cheerful Chocolate is the cake mix I love the most!
I like the Cookie Cookie mix. I mean, really, I just love cookies. LoL.
Cookie Cookie. Yummy!!! With Cheerful Chocolate! Doesn't that sound like the best after school snack???
Sunny Yellow would be my favorite.
The Cheerful Chocolate sounds wonderful.
1bmore @ gmail . com
Cheerful Chocolate would be this chocolate lover's choice. Thank you.
I would have to say cheerful chocolate it was a toss up between that one and the Alot'a Dots.
I'm a chocolate lover all the way, Cheerful Chocolate with Cheerful Chocolate Frosting!!
I'd be so happy to try cheerful chocolate
cheerful chocolate please
Cookies & Cream, please
CHEERFUL CHOCOLATE my birthday is just around the corner ty for having this great giveaway
These cake mixes are wonderful! My favorite is the Cheerful Chocolate.
Nothing ever beats chocolate for me, so my choice is Cheerful Chocolate.
clynsg at yahoo.com
I like them all but especially the Surprising Stars
They all sound wonderful but my kids would be mad if I didn't pick Cheerful Chocolate!!
Cookie Cookie for me!
My daughter would want Alot'a Dots.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Cheerful Chocolate would be my choice.
The cookie cookie looks so yummy! That is my fav!
Cookie Cookie looks fabulous!
ropeswing77 at yahoo dot com
Cheerful Chocolate for me
Cookie Cookie sounds delicious!
Cheerful chocolate all the way!
I like the Alot'a Dots. It looks really fun to eat and I know my niece would love it!
The Naturally Nora Cake mix AND frosting mixes souns yummy. I would love the Cheerful Chocolate cake mix and frosting.
I would love to try them all..but Surprising Stars definitely won me over! It looks so yummy!! Makes me want to go make a cake now!
I think they all look fantastic. I have one of my boys sitting here next to me, his birthday is next month and he wants a Star Wars birthday party. He said - "I need that star cake for my birthday!" So what I'm saying is Surprising Stars for me. Thanks for sharing~
Its a toss up between sunny yellow and cheerful chocolate for me.
Cookie Cookie sounds yummy yummy
I'd like to try the cookie cookie mix. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
Sunny yellow! Simply delicious on it's own (I like using it for making a simple yellow sheet cake).
Cookie Cookie sounds like it would be good.
Cookie Cookie!
Cheerful Chocolate. Cheers for Nora. :)
cookie's are my favorite
Cheerful chocolate please!
Cheerful Chocolate/ I'm a chocolaholic!
I would love to try the Sunny Yellow! Yum! Thanks!
I would love to try the Cheerful Chocolate! Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow girl! 122 comments! insane. :D I love the sunny yellow! yummo....
Judging from all the people who want Cheerful Chocolate,including me, Nora must have to have a seperate plant just to make her chocolate cake mixes
I know that my husband would choose ALot'a Dots! For sure.
I think I would go with alot'a dots.
I would love the Cheerful Chocolate, I'm sure---I think it would pair nice with the Extraordinary Vanilla frosting.
I like the Cheerful Chocolate one.
The Cookie Cake looks good
These look just great! I think my fave would be Alot'a Dots. I love cake and I also have a fab recipe for cake batter ice cream (a la Cold Stone) which I think is something that really needs the "all natural" touch as its taste is only as good as the cake mix you choose.
jaylee33 at gmail dot com
Sunny Yellow Cake with Extraordinary Vanilla icing would be my choice. Thanks! theprophecygir(at)hotmail(dot)com
Alot'a Dots
What's not to love about the Alot'a Dots mix? It looks great :-D
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
Hubby Pineapple Upside down or anything with pecans
me yellow
Kids Strawberry yellow chocalate
Though I would love to try them all out, the Cheerful Chocolate will always be my favorite!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com
Cheerful Chocolate all the way!!!
i would like cheerful chocolate
Cheerful Chocolate sounds delicioius to me!
Cheerful Chocolate for me. Thanks for the giveaway!
The cookie cookie looks great to me!
Cheerful Chocolate.
Yum! I have just been getting interested in organic and natural items! =:) I think I like the "A Lot of Dots" one best. Looks like something my brothers would love! (although it was a toss up with the stars one) =:) Thanks Priscilla!
Blessings in Christ!
alota dots probably. But they all look fabulous
Ohhhh, Suprising Stars looks so yummy!
cheerful chocolate - love the name!
I'd love to try the Cookie Cookie because cookies are good anytime, anywhere, for any occasion.
Cheerful Chocolate sounds great!
I like Alot'a Dots looks good!
I like Cheerful Chocolate Cake Mix with Surprising Stars Frosting.
Alot'a dots sounds the best.
bleuteam at gmail dot com
nothing would make me more cheerfull than cheerfull chocolate cake and frosting. Mmmmmmmm
cookie cookie with cheerful chocolate!
The cookie cookie looks good.
the Cookie Cookie mix sounds great.
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I like the look of Cheerful Chocolate with Cheerful Chocolate frosting, but actually ALL of them look good!
I always say hand over the chocolate and no one gets hurt! I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com
Cheeful Chocolate would be my pick as am a big chocolate lover. Thanks.
I think my son would enjoy helping me make Alot'a Dots.
Sunny Yellow for me even though the others are yummy too I'm sure.
wombatspurple at yahoo dot com
I like Alot'a Dots! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
the choc. chip looks yummy and also the alot of dots, thanks
Alot'a dots would be a hit with the kids, especially since my son is allergic to milk and he can eat these. Great!
The Alot'a Dots is my favorite!
Cheerful chocolate all the way
I'd love to try Cookies and Cream.
hockiemack at hotmail.com
I think the cookie cookie cake with cheerful chocolate frosting sounds heavenly.
i like the cheerful chocolate. thanks
Cheerful Chocolate all the way. The others look great especially for childrens parties, but my favorite is always chocolate.
cheerful chocolate cake and chocolate frosting please
Surprising Stars sounds delicious...Thank you.
my favorite is cookie cookie. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
Would like to try Cheerful Chocolate.
Thanks for the giveaway
Enjoyed your Blog.
Cookie Cookie sounds really good. Thanks!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
I like Cheerful Chocolate Cake Mix.thanks
mmm.. Cookie Cookie looks wonderful! I'd love the opportunity to try all the varieties (when it comes to cakes, I am not that discriminating!) Thanks for the entry!
Cheerful Chocolate sounds FABULOUS to me!!!!! :-)
i love experimenting with different cakes
I'm a chocolate all the way, so it would have too be the Cheerful Chocolate with Cheerful Chocolate
with my family it would have to be the Cheerful Chocolate with Cheerful Chocolate Frosting!!
I like the Cheerful Chocolate with Cheerful Chocolate Frosting
Chocolate lover here, so it's another vote for Cheerful Chocolate with Cheerful Chocolate Frosting
I would try Cookie Cookie Cake. cookie and cake- with 2 rights, you can't go wrong. agolden1998@aol.com
I Like the cheerful chocolate. Thanks
Cookie Cookie Cake Mix
Another Cheerful Chocolate with Cheerful Chocolate Frosting lover here!
i would like to try the surprising stars cake and frosting
Cookie cookie sounds interesting and delicious!
cheerful chocolate
Sunny Yellow would be my first pick, but I'd like to try them all.
cheerful chocolate please!---thanks for the chance to win!
Alot's Dots sounds super fun. It appeals to the child at heart.
The A LOT'A DOTS cake mix looks good.
Ooooh- the Sunny Yellow cake!
I'm drooling now..thanks alot! lol
Sunny Yellow cake with Cheerful Chocolate frosting.
I like the Alot'a Dots cake and frosting mix. dwelchert@yahoo.com
The Surprising Stars sounds great.
Alot'a Dots looks so colorful!
I think the Cookie Cookie one would be my family's choice. Thanks for the chance to win some of these great mixes and frostings!
I like the Alot'a Dots Cake Mix the best. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.
cookie cookie
cheerful chocolate sounds great to me.
I would say cheerful chocolate because I am cheerful about anything chocolate.
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