Friday, September 18, 2009

Already Middle Of September..??

Hello Blog Readers! I'm sorry...for such another long time with no posting. Thing is, I honestly haven't baked anything for months. Why, I don't know. But I have something up my sleeve for tomorrow. A Neopalitian Banana Cake....we will see how it turns out.

Right now I am currently taking this semester off school and working. And in-between doing photo sessions, frisbee games, hitting the mall, trips to the theater w/family or friends, multiple trips to get ice cream with friends, church activities, and then of course the usual...spending time with family and friends.

Annnd, last Friday was a whole new experience for me. I'm currently the 2nd baseman on our softball team and well. Last Friday, which was our last game for the season....I ended up spending most of the evening in the ER. During the game I went to catch a fly ball and the ball ended up landing on my face instead of the mit.
I fractured my nose and received 2 black eyes. It was also my first time ever in the ER....a tough night.
Buuut, God has healed me amazingly. My black eyes are almost completely gone and I got my stitches out yesterday. My family took amazing care of me and I found out during my week of recovery that God has truly given me the "best" family and friends in this world.

I also think I had enough injuries for the year. Lets see...a fat bruised lip from snowboarding, breaking my middle finger when the wind shut the door on my hand, and a fractured nose....hmmm. Yup. Hopefully that is all.

And Lord willing. Next softball season. I will be back out on that field.


My latest photo session was of my softball coach's family.
Ohhhh Adalyn. She is my very favorite 1 year little girl. Her pigtails are melting. Her little smile with 2 bottom teeth and 2 top teeth are equally melting. I think we have a future Miss America on our hands.

Have a wonderful Friday! We have had 20 days of sunshine and beautiful weather....I couldn't ask for anything better. See you with a recipe very soon!!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Savoring the last days of Summer.

I cannot believe it is already September. Seriously, this summer was the fastest summer ever. I have no doubt now that as you get older time goes by faster. Because that is how I have been feeling.

Frisbee. How we all love it.
Want to know something funny? Until this year we had never heard of Ultimate Frisbee. Sure we knew what a frisbee was...but playing a sport with a brothers and sisters and I were thinking how dumb does that sound. Ha. That was until we played. And um...simply. We are addicted now. Another sad thing about summer winding down. Frisbee winds down too. Until next spring.
My brothers sometimes forget we aren't playing Tackle Football and decide to take out players. I can say I survived being smashed by my 19 year old brother who is over 6 ft. My sisters and I have kinda learned to play rough in sports....with 3 brothers. I think it is a bit hard not too.

Steven (in the tan cargos)...why he is leaning up against the pole...I do not know.

I'm in the blue shorts on the far left and my sister Lisa is on the right in the blue shorts. We bring a LOT of players...ha. 6 of us.

Park Days with friends on a sunny day. Pretty sweet.

We are sane. I assure you.

Our Church Softball Team. My 3 brothers and I played. We have a couple more games and then sadly we have to wait until next summer.

I will be back in not too long with a food post. Thank you guys for sticking around while I was taking a break from blogging this summer!!
God gave me a amazing summer and one I will remember forever. He is good.
